Hail the Records Breaking efforts for Gurbani Lehar!

Hail the Records Breaking efforts for Gurbani Lehar!

The Essence of Spirituality

Spirituality is the practice of seeking purpose, meaning, and connection with forces greater than oneself.

Record-Breaking Devotion

Hats off to the young students at Akal Academy for breaking all
records of Gurbani Lehar with:

  • Gurbani Lehar Path (Total Figures)
  • Akhand Path – 159 (Target 121)
  • Sehaj Path – 668 (Target 121)
  •  Japji Sahib – 5,12,128 (Target 1,00,00)

A Prayer for Prosperity and Protection

These students participated in Gurbani Lehar to invoke Akal Purakh’s
blessings for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth and to keep negative energies at bay.

Surpassing Expectations with Faith

Remembering Guru’s bachan of “Jee ki birtha hoye,
so Gur peh Ardaas kar,” they promised their prayers for this noble
cause, surpassing the target prayers by five times!


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