Champions of Change: Dr. Rajinder Singh and Dr. Sahib Singh Advani’s Fight Against Drug Abuse

Champions of Change: Dr. Rajinder Singh and Dr. Sahib Singh Advani’s Fight Against Drug Abuse

A Lifelong Commitment to Healing

Dr. Rajinder Singh (86) and Dr. Sahib Singh Advani (84) have become symbols of hope in the battle against drug abuse. Driven by a shared mission to save Punjab’s youth from addiction, these two lifelong friends are dedicated to dismantling the harmful connections between politicians, criminals, and bureaucracy that sustain the drug trade.

Shared Mission: Service Across Regions

Having collaborated at drug de-addiction centers in Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, and Cheema village, Sangrur, their efforts now extend to Chandigarh. Dr. Rajinder Singh provides crucial support at Gurudwara Teg Bahadur, where his daily OPD caters to 150 patients, offering essential treatment and care for those struggling with addiction.

Complementary Expertise and Collaboration

The partnership between Dr. Rajinder Singh and Dr. Sahib Singh Advani is marked by mutual respect and a unified approach to their work. Their complementary skills and seamless collaboration enhance their impact, inspiring both their peers and the communities they serve.

Pioneering Research for Effective Solutions

In addition to their clinical work, the duo is advancing research to better understand addiction and improve de-addiction methods. Their commitment to research aims to drive significant societal change, informed by a deep belief in the power of knowledge and action.

Urgent Call to Action

Dr. Rajinder Singh’s concerns about the rising trend of drug use among children highlight the critical nature of their mission. Through their relentless efforts and unwavering resolve, Dr. Rajinder Singh and Dr. Sahib Singh Advani are leading the charge in the fight against drug addiction, striving to secure a healthier future for the next generation.


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