Akal Academy, Baru Sahib dedicated its annual day to Guru Nanak’s 550th with a beautiful art exhibition!

Akal Academy, Baru Sahib dedicated its annual day to Guru Nanak’s 550th with a beautiful art exhibition!

Akal Academy, Baru Sahib, reverently dedicated its 31st Annual Day to commemorate the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji on October 20, 2019. The day unfolded with a magnificent parade, showcasing the students’ athletic prowess and disciplined marching, while also embodying the divine values imparted by Guru Nanak Ji. Notably, an anti-drug procession underscored the academy’s commitment to raising awareness about the perils of substance abuse among the youth.

Embodying Guru Nanak’s Teachings

In a soul-stirring performance, children portrayed the transformation of Bhumiya Chor, embodying the profound teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji that lead one towards righteousness and compassion.

Artistic Tribute and Spiritual Reflections

An art exhibition featuring paintings depicting Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s journey (udasis) served as a poignant tribute, spreading his teachings far and wide. These artworks illuminated the spiritual essence of Guru Nanak’s teachings and their timeless relevance.

Universal Message of Equality and Unity

Guru Nanak’s profound message of oneness and equality resonated throughout the celebration, emphasizing the belief in one God and the inherent equality of all human beings, irrespective of caste or gender.

Exploring the Intersection of Science and Spirituality

In addition to spiritual enlightenment, the event also featured a science exhibition, highlighting the intersection of science and spirituality, and showcasing how scientific advancements shape our collective future.

Gratitude and Guidance

The success of this grand celebration owes much to the visionary leadership of founder Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, alongside the dedicated efforts of Dr. Davinder Singh, Dr. Neelam Kaur, and the entire team at Akal Academy, Baru Sahib.


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