Amazing Transformation- Singh-Sintaé Salvatore’s huge leap towards the Sikhi Faith

Amazing Transformation- Singh-Sintaé Salvatore’s huge leap towards the Sikhi Faith

If you are a Sikh or on a new life journey of Sikhi, you are always becoming a Sikh.

I’ve learned that Sikhism is a verb not a noun: a way of living in which we try to grow into our better selves, as awakened by our gurus, our community, our rituals, our friends, our guides.

I look at these pictures of myself, As I look and remember when I started my journey it just amazes me how far I have come. My journey into Sikhi is continuing and I could not be happier. I know now that it has always been Gurus purpose for me to find love in sikhi, Sikhi has truly changed my life for the better.


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