The month of April is the festival of Vaisakhi hence is also known as Vaisakhi Month as the celebration of Vaisakhi takes place the whole month.
But What is actually Vaisakhi?
Vaisakhi is also known as Khalsa Sajna Diwas.
On Vaisakhi Day, in 1699, at Anandpur Sahib, the Tenth Master Guru Gobind Rai founded the “Khalsa Panth” by blessing the Sikhs with divine Nectar (Amrit).
By instituting the ceremony of Amrit and offering the Divine nectar to His beloved followers, Guru Gobind Rai conferred a unique honor upon them. He gave them the status of Guru Panth (the Khalsa collectively, as the Guru), i.e., the organization of the divine persons.
People would be astonished to know that the bestower of the divine nectar upon His disciples (Sikhs), then Himself bowed before the ‘Five Beloved Ones’ (Panj Piaras) and requested them with folded hands to bestow upon Him the Divine Nectar (Amrit). The ‘Five Beloved Ones’ (Panj Piaras) remarked that they had received the Divine Nectar by offering their heads to the Guru. They asked, “What would You offer for getting the Divine Nectar?”He replied that He would sacrifice His whole family for the divine cause of Khalsa Panth. After getting initiated by His ‘Five Beloved Ones,the Guru was renamed from Gobind Rai to Gobind Singh. After that, thousands of men and women got initiated with Amrit.
Impact of Baptism (Amrit):
The men had the word ‘Singh’ (Divine lion), and the women had the word ‘Kaur’ (Divine princess) suffixed to their names.
During the Mughal Rule, no one was allowed to ride horses, couldn’t wear armor, couldn’t play a kettle drum. But Guru Gobind Singh Ji said my Singhs will, and there will be an echo of kettledrum in Sri Anandpur Sahib. This decision shook the Mughal government from within.
Amrit gave such power to the Singhs that each Singh became influential over millions. Even the so-called low caste people, considered cowards for centuries, defeated the so-called fighters in the wars by resorting to slander.
That is why the day is called Khalsa Sajna Diwas.
Celebrations in Akal Academies:
Akal Academies run under the auspices of The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib aims to create universal brotherhood and permanent peace in the world. Akal Academies are modern Gurukul, which provide spiritual education along with modern scientific education. The training of Gatka is given to the students in the Academies. The students are trained to perform the Sehaj Path and recitation of Gurbani Kirtan.
All the Gurpurabs are celebrated at Akal Academies with full enthusiasm and utmost devotion.
To commemorate Khalsa Sajna Diwas, the academies’ students perform the Bhog of Sri Sehaj Path, recite Gurbani Kirtan, perform Gatka (a form of Sikh Martial Arts), and get baptized.
Worldwide Celebrations:
Vaisakhi is celebrated worldwide by the Sikh Community. Different organizations and Gurdwara Sahib commemorate the auspicious occasion by organizing Gurmat Samagams and Nagar Kirtan.
Usually, Nagar Kirtan features food stalls for visitors, Gatka, 3-D digital showcase, lectures, etc.
Rediscovering the Essence of Vaisakhi
As per the Sikhi, Vaisakhi is a celebration of commitment to the Guru Sahiban’s message of social revolution, meditation, earning honestly, and sharing.
It might appear that People celebrating Vaisakhi are partying around with friends, dancing, etc.; and that People visit Gurdwara Sahib only to have Langar and spend their time. In recent years there have been People attend Nagar Kirtan just to have fun and eat food from food stalls, and they often waste food.
Recently effort has been made to spread awareness that the true essence of Vaisakhi is for the celebration of the values of Sikhi, and not just frivolous celebrations without meaning.
Celebrating Vaisakhi in a True Way
One should take inspiration from the students of Akal Academies and celebrate the auspicious occasion of Khalsa Sajna Diwas truly by reciting Gurbani and implementing the essence of the day in our lives.

We should teach our future generation about the true meaning of Vaisakhi and go to Gurdwara sahib to pay obeisance and listen to Gurbani Kirtan, not to have fun and eat Langar because today’s generation is only aware of Vaisakhi as a holiday and a day of partying, visiting Gurdwara Sahib and having different items through food stalls and throwing litter anywhere.
Advice: To make the children better human beings, faithful followers of Sikhism, please admit your children to Akal Academies.
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