The Pain is Real, So is Hope- Nirmalpreet’s inspirational story

The Pain is Real, So is Hope- Nirmalpreet’s inspirational story

Life had been unfair and challenging for this young boy of Tarn Taran, Punjab. Nirmalpreet Singh had seen many ups and downs at a very tender age, having lost his father when he was only 6 months old and his mother, too, left him.

For some years life was going smoothly with his grandparents taking care of him. But his life was shattered when he lost both his grandparents too. His paternal aunt looked after him, but there was no source of income. What she had was hope and willpower, and she managed to make ends meet by doing odd tailoring jobs. The income was not enough to send Nirmalpreet to the school. She got some information and enrolled the boy in the “Educate To Save” initiative of The Kalgidhar Society which provides Free Education to needy kids and letr find Sponsors for such deserving beneficiaries.

An angelic sponsor, Nirmal Kaur, lent her a helping hand to open the doors of hope and dreams by sponsoring young Nirmalpreet’s education.

Today, Nirmalpreet Singh is getting an education at Akal Academy Dadehar Sahib in Grade 6th.


Despite facing many hardships, Nirmalpreet Singh wants to do something for society and the nation by giving back and wishes to join the Armed Forces.

Nirmalpreet Singh’s story is a testament to how courage in adversity and hope in struggles can discover matching kindness.

Invest your Daswandh (one-tenth of your income) to Educate an underprivileged kid and turn around lives.


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