The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib unanimously selects Dr. Davinder Singh as its next President

The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib unanimously selects Dr. Davinder Singh as its next President

Following the sad demise of Padma Shri, Shiromani Panth Ratan Baba Iqbal Singh Ji on 29 January, the mantle of leadership at The Kalgidhar Trust has been passed on to a new steward. Dr. Davinder Singh, affectionately known as Dr. Veerji, has been unanimously selected as the next President of the Trust, marking a significant transition in its leadership.

A Journey of Dedication: From Medicine to Service

Dr. Davinder Singh’s journey with Baba Ji began 35 years ago when he left his profession as a Medical Specialist at Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, to fulfill his desire to volunteer and serve humanity at Baru Sahib. His devout following of Baba Ji’s guidance and his unwavering commitment to service have been evident throughout his tenure.

Honoring Baba Ji’s Legacy: A Testament to ‘Gursikhi’

Reflecting on his appointment, Dr. Davinder Singh expressed his gratitude to all saints and well-wishers who attended the cremation ceremony of Late Sant Baba Iqbal Singh Ji. He highlighted Baba Ji’s exemplary life, characterized by a deep commitment to ‘Gursikhi’ and unwavering dedication to morning prayers, even in the face of illness. Dr. Davinder Singh humbly acknowledged his role as a Sevadar of Baba Ji, pledging to continue serving mankind with the values instilled by his predecessor.

Continuing the Legacy: A Vision for Service

Under Baba Ji’s guidance, The Kalgidhar Trust witnessed remarkable growth, expanding from 17 Akal Academies to 117 in just a decade. Dr. Davinder Singh’s appointment marks a new chapter in this legacy of service and education, as he assumes the responsibility of leading the Trust forward.

A Blessing from Sri Akal Takht Sahib: Anointment Ceremony

The ceremonial transfer of leadership took place in the sacred precincts of Gurdwara Sahib, following the performance of last rites and Ardaas. Head Granthi of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Giani Malkit Singh Ji, along with other dignitaries and Trustees of The Kalgidhar Trust, bestowed their blessings upon Dr. Davinder Singh, anointing him as the next President of the Trust.

A Journey of Service: Honors and Contributions

Dr. Davinder Singh, also serving as the Vice-Chancellor of Eternal University, Baru Sahib, and Director of Akal Academies, has been recognized for his significant contributions to the field of education. His dedication was honored with the prestigious ‘Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Memorial National Teacher Award’ in 2006, underscoring his commitment to excellence in education and service to society.

As Dr. Davinder Singh assumes his new role, the legacy of The Kalgidhar Trust continues to be guided by the principles of compassion, service, and excellence, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.


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