Enriching Pedagogical Initiatives: A Memorable Workshop at Akal College of Nursing, Eternal University

Enriching Pedagogical Initiatives: A Memorable Workshop at Akal College of Nursing, Eternal University

In a bid to enhance the teaching and learning experience, Akal College of Nursing in Baru Sahib recently hosted a distinguished faculty team from renowned institutions in the United States. The workshop, held in May 2023, welcomed faculty members from Drexel University, New York University, and Texas Woman’s University. This collaborative effort aimed to actively engage nursing students and faculty members, fostering an environment of shared knowledge and expertise. The workshop was a testament to the college’s commitment to delivering quality education and embracing global perspectives

The Workshop on Pedagogical Initiatives

The visiting team consisted of esteemed professionals who brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the workshop. From Drexel University in Philadelphia, the team comprised Dr. Jill B. Derstine, Dr. Frances Cornelius, Prof. Sandra Friedman, and Dr. Marylou. Joining them were Dr. Brian Fasolka, New York University, and Dr. Donna Scott Tilley from Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas. Each member of the team brought unique insights and perspectives, ensuring a diverse and enriching learning environment.

workshop on Pedagogical Initiatives

Interactive Sessions in Teaching-Learning Activities

Throughout their visit, the faculty team actively engaged in teaching-learning activities, collaborating with both nursing students and faculty members at Akal College of Nursing. This hands-on approach facilitated an immersive learning experience and provided an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and best practices. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and practical demonstrations, the visiting team shared their expertise while also learning from the global nursing community.


About Innovative teaching methods with cutting edge research

The workshop at Akal College of Nursing marked a significant milestone in enriching the academic environment. The visiting faculty members introduced innovative teaching methods, cutting-edge research insights, and evidence-based practices. These initiatives not only expanded the students’ knowledge but also inspired faculty members to adopt new pedagogical approaches.

The interactions fostered a culture of continuous learning, encouraging everyone involved to stay updated with the latest developments in the field of nursing education.

Cultural Exchange and Collaboration

Beyond the educational aspect, the workshop also fostered cultural exchange and collaboration between the visiting faculty members and the local community. The visitors had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich heritage and traditions of Baru Sahib, further strengthening the bond between the institutions. Such cross-cultural experiences enhance global understanding and promote diversity within the academic sphere.

Doona scott tilley with students of Akal college of nursing

Thanks to the eminent visitors for their guidance and inspiration

The Workshop on Pedagogical Initiatives at Akal College of Nursing was a resounding success, thanks to the collective efforts of the visiting faculty team from Drexel University and Texas Woman’s University. The workshop provided a platform for collaborative learning and knowledge-sharing, benefitting both students and faculty members. By embracing international perspectives and incorporating innovative teaching methods, the workshop has undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth and development of nursing education at Akal College of Nursing. The memories and insights gained during this workshop will continue to inspire and guide the nursing community toward excellence in the field of healthcare education.

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