Akal Sewa Team pays tribute at Safar-e-Shahaadat in their own special way

Akal Sewa Team pays tribute at Safar-e-Shahaadat in their own special way

In the Sikh Faith, Selfless service is regarded as a supreme service and is highly valued for attaining blessings from the Almighty. The volunteers of Akal Sewa Team of Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib, served the holy congregation throughout the whole journey of the Safar-e-Shahaadat.

What is Safar-e-Shahaadat

Safar-e-Shahadat literally translates to “The Journey of Martyrdom” in Punjabi. It is a very significant event in Sikh history, that took place in the month of Poh, the freezing days of December 1704.

It relates to the painful two weeks ordeal, a journey of separation of Mata Gujri and her two small grandsons from the family on the cold banks of the Sirsa River,  to their eventual imprisonment and execution by the Mughal emperor for refusing to convert to Islam. The Chhote Sahibzaade , or young princes as they are lovingly called, were martyred by being sealed alive in a brick wall confine.

This journey is also a symbol of hope and resilience. Despite facing great persecution, the young martyrs remained steadfast in their faith.

Every year, during the last weeks of December, the Sikhs reverently remember and participate in the Shaheedi Jod Mela event. It is a reminder of the Sikh commitment to freedom of religion and the willingness of Sikhs to sacrifice their lives for their beliefs.

Note: See Footnote below for a brief history

The Gurmat Samagams during Safar-e-Shahaadat

A series of religious activities have been organized in different Gurdwara Chamkaur Sahib, and Gurudwara Fatehgarh Sahib, Jyoti Sarup, and Thanda Burj to commemorate their sacrifices.

These sacred places attract are visited by a very large number of people (sangat) from far-off areas. This involves lots of arrangements of various kinds, from food, to living arrangements, attending of many religious functions, civic amenities, and so on. The volunteers or Sewadaars carry out this management to ensure the unhindered completion of the events.

This includes Shabad Kirtan (singing hymns), Nagar Kirtan (religious procession), Akhand Path, and displaying martial arts traditions.

Delivering Sewa (Selfless  Service )  by the AkalSewaTeam

This year, the Volunteers of the #AkalSewaTeam of the Kalgidhar Trust remained at the service of the holy congregation from the very beginning of the journey.
They organized themselves to handle many different services like the parking grounds, medical services, and hygiene maintenance.

The volunteers ensured that the Sangat(congregation) did not face any problems and that all religious activities should be conducted without facing any hindrances.

Giani Harpal Singh Ji appreciates the Spirit of Sewa by our volunteers from The Kalgidhar Trust

We are happy and grateful to the Almighty that the continuous 24×7  services of the Akal Sewa Team could be an integral part of the Safar-e-Shahaadat.


Bhai Gurdeep Singh Ji praises the efforts of Akal Sewa Team


More about the Historical Significance of Safar-e-Shahaadat

During the eighteenth century, the tyranny of Aurangzeb was at its peak. He wanted people of other religions to embrace Islam.
The tenth Master of Sikhs, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, fought many battles to defend the poor and downtrodden.

In 1704, The entire Mughal Force laid siege around the fort of Anandpur for eight months. Sikhs were trapped in the fort. They were forced to leave the fort along with Guru Ji swearing on the Quran that if the Guru vacated the fort, his forces would be granted a safe passage to settle elsewhere. The Mughal forces did not care about the vows on the Quran by their Emperor and attacked the Guru Ji. The family of Guru Ji got separated at the river Sirsa.

The two elder sons of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Baba Ajit Singh Ji, and Baba Jujhar Singh Ji, attained martyrdom in the battle of Chamkaur. Mother of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji – Mata Gujri Ji, along with his two sons Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh Ji, was held captive in cold jail (Thanda Burj) by Wazir Khan, the Governor of Sirhind.
He ordered them to either embrace Islam or be prepared to be killed. The children bluntly refused.
Wazir Khan then ordered that the Sahibzadas be bricked alive. Accordingly, the cruel process got underway.
When Mata Gujri heard about the brutal act, she also breathed her last and shed her mortal frame.

Chaar Sahibzaade wore the crown of martyrdom at very tender ages while keeping their heads up.

Source: Sikh Faith – An Epitome of Inter-Faith for Divine Realisation, written By Shiromani Panth Ratan Baba Iqbal Singh Ji.


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