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Guru Nanak’s Teachings in Baghdad – Good Deeds Above Religion

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Arrival in Baghdad

During his travels, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, accompanied by Bhai Mardana, reached Baghdad, a prominent city in Iraq. Staying on the outskirts of the city, Guru Sahib gave a melodious and heartfelt call to prayers that captivated the locals. The sweetness and devotion in his voice intrigued them, as they had never experienced such a spiritual call before.

The Pir’s Inquiry and Guru Nanak’s Profound Response

Hearing about the Guru, a local religious leader, the Pir, visited him. The Pir posed several questions to Guru Nanak, including one about whether God favors Hindus or Muslims. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s response was both simple and profound:
“Superiority depends not on religion, but on good deeds.”

Dispelling Doubts with Wisdom

The Guru continued to answer the Pir’s questions, addressing his doubts on various spiritual matters. One question particularly perplexed the Pir—Guru Sahib’s assertion that countless upper-worlds and nether-worlds exist.

A Glimpse into the Infinite Worlds

To demonstrate the truth of his statement, Guru Nanak Dev Ji placed his hand on the forehead of the Pir’s young son and asked him to close his eyes. In an instant, the boy experienced a vision of thousands of upper and lower worlds through his inner eyes. When the boy described the vast and endless realms he had witnessed, everyone present was left in awe.

Reverence for Guru Nanak Dev Ji

The boy’s narration affirmed the Guru’s wisdom and divine knowledge. Deeply moved by the experience, all those present, including the Pir, bowed in reverence at Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s feet, acknowledging the universality and profoundness of his teachings.


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