Honoring Mothers: A Sikh Perspective on Mother’s Day

Honoring Mothers: A Sikh Perspective on Mother’s Day

Remembering the Roots: The Evolution of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day, initially conceived as a meeting of grieving mothers during the American Civil War, has transformed into a global celebration of maternal love and sacrifice. Dr. Ranbir Singh Sandhu beautifully encapsulates the essence of this day, urging us to recognize the profound debt we owe to our mothers and to express our gratitude and appreciation.

A Universal Celebration

While Mother’s Day may not have religious origins, it resonates deeply with people across cultures and faiths. In Sikhism, although there is no specific designated day for honoring mothers, Sikh-Americans enthusiastically embrace this annual occasion to reaffirm the pivotal role of mothers in their lives.

Divine Motherhood in Sikhism

In Sikh scripture, the divine is often depicted as a nurturing parent, encompassing both maternal and paternal qualities. God is revered as both mother and father, emphasizing the equal importance of these roles. The Guru is also revered as a spiritual parent, guiding and nurturing devotees with boundless love and compassion.

The Essence of Maternal Love

The bond between a mother and child is likened to the relationship between devotee and God in Sikhism, characterized by unconditional love, care, and protection. A mother’s qualities, including kindness, mercy, and forgiveness, are extolled, reflecting the divine attributes embodied in maternal love.

A Mother’s Forgiveness and Guidance

In Sikh scripture, a mother’s forgiveness is likened to the boundless mercy of God, who overlooks the transgressions of His children. Moreover, a mother serves as a spiritual guide, imparting timeless wisdom and urging her children to remember and revere the divine.

Elevating Women and Motherhood

Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred scripture of Sikhism, elevates the status of women and emphasizes their integral role in the creation and sustenance of life. Women are hailed as the bearers of prophets, Gurus, and devotees of God, underscoring their pivotal contribution to humanity.

Celebrating Mothers Every Day

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us remember that every day is an opportunity to honor and cherish the mothers who have shaped our lives with their unconditional love, sacrifice, and guidance. Let us express our heartfelt gratitude and celebrate the extraordinary women who have nurtured us and shaped our destinies.

Mother’s Day transcends religious and cultural boundaries, serving as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of maternal love and sacrifice. In Sikhism, mothers are revered as embodiments of divine virtues, guiding their children on the path of righteousness and spirituality. As we celebrate this special day, let us reflect on the immeasurable contributions of mothers and strive to emulate their boundless love and compassion in our lives. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers who enrich our lives with their presence and blessings.

About the Author

Dr. Ranbir Singh Sandhu is Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University. His insightful reflections offer a unique perspective on the significance of Mother’s Day in Sikhism, highlighting the timeless wisdom and reverence for maternal love found in Sikh scripture.


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