Shaheedi Asthan of Bhai Taru Singh Ji – The Martyrdom Site of a Sikh Hero

Shaheedi Asthan of Bhai Taru Singh Ji – The Martyrdom Site of a Sikh Hero

Introduction to Shaheedi Asthan of Bhai Taru Singh Ji

The Shaheedi Asthan of Bhai Taru Singh Ji stands as a significant landmark in Sikh history, commemorating the martyrdom of this courageous soul. Located in Naulakha Bazaar, Lahore, the site is a tribute to the sacrifice and unwavering faith of Bhai Taru Singh Ji, who gave his life for Sikhism in 1745. This place, marking the site of his beheading, continues to inspire generations with its poignant reminder of sacrifice for the Sikh cause.

Location of Bhai Taru Singh Ji’s Martyrdom

The martyrdom site of Bhai Taru Singh Ji is situated in the heart of Naulakha Bazaar, which stretches from the end of Landa Bazaar to the Lahore Railway Station. When you enter Naulakha Bazaar from Landa Bazaar, you will find a small door on the left-hand side amidst the bustling shops. Above this door, there is an inscription that reads: “Gurdwara Shaheed Ganj Bhai Taro Ji,” indicating the revered Shaheedi Asthan where Bhai Taru Singh Ji sacrificed his life for his faith.

Bhai Taru Singh Ji’s Early Life and Service to the Sikhs

Bhai Taru Singh Ji hailed from the village of Polah in District Kasur. He was a devoted and hardworking man who earned his living with his own hands. He dedicated his life not only to support his family but also to serve the Sikhs of the Guru. Bhai Taru Singh Ji became known for his selfless service and care for fellow Sikhs, always extending help to those in need.

False Accusations and Torture – The Struggles of Bhai Taru Singh Ji

Despite his compassionate deeds, Bhai Taru Singh Ji was falsely accused by Mahant Narayan of harboring dacoits. This led to his arrest, where he endured cruel torture in various forms. The rulers of the time, who always disapproved of the kindness and humanity shown by Bhai Taru Singh Ji, sought to break his spirit. He was offered temptations and rewards to renounce Sikhism and convert to Islam, but Bhai Taru Singh Ji stood firm in his beliefs, refusing to betray his faith.

Martyrdom and Legacy of Bhai Taru Singh Ji

After enduring immense torture, Bhai Taru Singh Ji was sentenced to death. The orders were given to behead him, and on the 23rd of Assu, Samvat 1802 (1745 AD), Bhai Taru Singh Ji was martyred. Throughout his execution, he kept reciting the Japji Sahib, demonstrating his steadfast devotion to the Guru. His courage and unwavering faith have made him a beloved figure in Sikh history, and his martyrdom is celebrated by devotees at his Shaheedi Asthan.

Gurdwara Shaheed Ganj – Commemorating Bhai Taru Singh Ji

In memory of his supreme sacrifice, devotees constructed the Gurdwara Shaheed Ganj at the very site of his martyrdom. Over the years, this Gurdwara has become a significant place of pilgrimage for Sikhs. The shops surrounding the Gurdwara continue to carry the name of the Gurdwara, and an estate worth Rs 100 per annum was granted to it during the Sikh period for its upkeep and maintenance. The Gurdwara remains a symbol of Bhai Taru Singh Ji’s unyielding spirit and sacrifice for his faith.

Maintenance and Management of the Shaheedi Asthan

From 1927 to 1947, the maintenance of the Shaheedi Asthan was managed by the Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. Following the partition of India, the responsibility of maintaining the Gurdwara was entrusted to Bhai Achchar Singh, who later became the Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib. Currently, the maintenance of the site is overseen by the Evacuee Trust Board, ensuring that the legacy of Bhai Taru Singh Ji and his martyrdom continues to be honored by the Sikh community.


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