YOU RESIDE IN MY HEART (A Poem on Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj)

YOU RESIDE IN MY HEART (A Poem on Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj)

You are my Sat guru- the true teacher.

You are my true companion- with me all the time.

You always show me the right path.

You are the source of my strength and inspiration.

A mere glance of You in my eyes

gives me strength, courage and confidence

to move forward and face the tough times.

You are my Sacha Patshah- the true king of my heart.

I cherish the immaculate gift of your Bani.

Your teachings are more than jewels and diamonds to me.

You showed us the path of love, tolerance, benevolence, honesty and humbleness.

You gave us the treasure of virtues and moral values.

You also taught us to stand for the right cause.

You gave us the right concept of worship to abandon all the rituals.

You inculcated the practice of Langar to help the needy people which is still flourishing.

You and Your Bani is eternal.

I am so blessed to be born in your Sikh family as one of your daughters.

I am so blessed that You are in my life and has transformed my life with your teachings.

I am so proud of You- my beloved Guruji.


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